Seasonal living with Amie

Welcome, Mumma! From my heart to yours, thank you for being here. 

Let’s get straight to it. I have a series of questions for you. If you answer no to one or more of these questions, this is where I can support you.

Do you remember, you are a cyclical being? Do you remember that just as nature ebbs and flows through all of its seasons, so too, do you!

Do you have the capacity to meet your own needs and commit to what lights YOU up around the needs and commitments of the other humans around you?

Do you prioritise your wellbeing? Do you hold loving boundaries with those around you to ensure you can turn up as your best self? Do you choose to create time for yourself regularly (not just when you’re exhausted)?

 Are you aware of where you spend your time and energy and how you recharge on the daily?

Do you have a family routine that is equally as nourishing for you as it is for your children?

Do you have a community around you that can support you in coming back to your true nature? That can stand alongside you as you make decisions that are aligned to your own seasonal nature?

How can I support you in these areas?

Well firstly, I am a Mum of 2 young children myself. They are now 6 and 3 but the challenge from 1 to two children for me physically, mentally and emotionally felt like one of the biggest challenges of my life and what I’ve learnt since is that we’re constantly moving through transition. As mothers, the needs of those around us constantly change and as such, our capacity to meet our own ever changing needs also ebbs and flows. 

Through this enormous transition, my passion for coming back to my own true nature, to learning how to love myself again grew. I began to tune into what my body and mind were really asking. With the help and support of some wonderful teachers I was able to navigate myself back to being the most vibrant version of myself I could be in any given moment. 

I feel this passion surging through my body. Knowing that each woman and mother deserves to love herself deeply, be loved by others and live her most vibrant life (however that may look in each and every season). Recently, I was reminded that my 13 year old self felt this in her bones too…. I found these little design sheets ready to go where I explained how the seasons inspired me! Little did I realise this spark has been ALIVE in me, probably my whole life!!

So Mumma, as I birth my passions into this world, please keep in touch. Sign up to receive my emails and over the next couple of weeks I will be releasing my availability for Abhyanga (ayurvedic massage) for November and beyond. I also have a super exciting give away for you coming up that will allow you to bring some attention to some of these questions. To allow your awareness to drop into what it is you may need in each moment of the day.

This journey towards loving yourself more deeply, towards feeling more vibrant and vital, may not always be easy. Sometimes we have to make hard decisions in the moment that will support us in the future. 

To bring balance to yourself Mama, to feel harmonious within your own skin will not only have ripple effects on the whole family unit but it will give those closest to you permission to choose the same for themselves. You get to go first and model to them how to choose themselves and their own wellbeing first.

I release this into the world, sat on my bed snuggled in my dressing gown feeling so proud of all that I am, all that I am creating. I am on day 2 of my bleed as the moon begins her waning journey towards the next full moon. I am so grateful for the land on which I reside, for the humans that surround me and encourage me every single day and for you Mumma, for joining me here in this space and saying yes to yourself.

From my heart to yours,



Ideas and rituals to ease the enormity of family meals.